Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fairy-tale Wonderland

Eating is even more of an activity when done in the company of amazing people.  Last night, we threw a party for my best friend's 25th birthday.  Brie, manchego, red pepper jelly.  Butternut squash lasagna.  Homemade meatballs with fresh tomato sauce. Brussel sprouts with bacon. Chopped salad with blue cheese, pine nuts, onion, and cranberries. Red velvet Mary Poppins Cake with vanilla bean ice cream.  Lots and lots of Champaign. Too much.  Pink, orange, and red tones filled the room and hand blown votives provided a warm environment for a special night that will never be forgotten.  Cheers to you Mary! 

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cooking more Cookies

Sugar Cookies and Traditional Oatmeal...
Well, apparently I didn't get enough baking in yesterday because I decided to make oatmeal cookies with raisins and sugar cookies with homemade powdered sugar frosting.  The hard part about making sugar cookies is eating them. I never want to eat the little people, or the ones that I think look extra special. (Which is really 99% of the cookies.)

Cookie Monster

Within the last month, I have defiantly caught baking fever.  Something about making Christmas cookies with friends and family makes the Holiday season seem extra special...and I could defiantly use the 10 extra pounds!  My favorite recipe (pictured above) is the Hershey Kiss Peanut Butter Cookie. Instead of rolling the balls of dough around in regular sugar,  I used colored.