Wednesday, July 29, 2009

this is vital information.

Top 10 Hangover Cures:

10) Cucumbers – No doubt the eyes need some major TLC to de-puff…

9) Ice pack – Applying a cold compress works wonders on a throbbing head.

8) Tomato Juice – If you can’t stomach the “hair of the dog” with a Bloody Mary, then tomato juice contains sugar to help break down the alcohol in your stomach.

7) Coffee with Lemon - Lemon juice alleviates nausea and the caffeine helps shrink blood vessels that cause that pounding headache…

6) Crackers with honey – This naturally flushes the system to rid your body of alcohol fast!

5) Peppermints – Kills two birds with one stone by freshening breath and helps stop a churning stomach …

4) Gatorade – Dehydration is a major cause of a hangover; give your system a hydrating boost and replenish electrolytes with your fav flavor…

3) Bananas or better yet, banana milkshake - Bananas helps calm the stomach and the milk soothes the stomach and re-hydrates your system.

2) Bacon, Egg and Cheese Sandwich – The greasier, the better to soak up all those celebratory tequila shots and eggs help re-hydrate…

1) Advil – make it Extra Strength – no explanation needed…

sunday supper 8/1/09

i think i need to go to this one.

case in point.,0,7542552.story

copy and paste the article.