Monday, December 29, 2008

Cooking more Cookies

Sugar Cookies and Traditional Oatmeal...
Well, apparently I didn't get enough baking in yesterday because I decided to make oatmeal cookies with raisins and sugar cookies with homemade powdered sugar frosting.  The hard part about making sugar cookies is eating them. I never want to eat the little people, or the ones that I think look extra special. (Which is really 99% of the cookies.)

Cookie Monster

Within the last month, I have defiantly caught baking fever.  Something about making Christmas cookies with friends and family makes the Holiday season seem extra special...and I could defiantly use the 10 extra pounds!  My favorite recipe (pictured above) is the Hershey Kiss Peanut Butter Cookie. Instead of rolling the balls of dough around in regular sugar,  I used colored.